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Beta 80 S.p.A.

Our products come from our 30-year presence in the market and our close relationship with partners and customers. We believe our greatest asset is the ability to create a network of positive connections from which to learn, grow and create innovative solutions that respond to each customer's​ needs. We support customers in their change roadmap and evolution toward the "Third Platform" with best practices, agile approaches, and innovative technologies. Our offer is focused on the four main enablers of Digital Transformation: Cloud, AIOps, Big Data, and DevOps. Software & Data Management, IT Operations & Infrastructure are all included in our value proposition. We support national-level companies in the telco, finance, education, large-scale distribution, and public administration sectors.  

Beta 80 S.p.A.

Our products come from our 30-year presence in the market and our close relationship with partners and customers. We believe our greatest asset is the ability to create a network of positive connections from which to learn, grow and create innovative solutions that respond to each customer's​ needs. We support customers in their change roadmap and evolution toward the "Third Platform" with best practices, agile approaches, and innovative technologies. Our offer is focused on the four main enablers of Digital Transformation: Cloud, AIOps, Big Data, and DevOps. Software & Data Management, IT Operations & Infrastructure are all included in our value proposition. We support national-level companies in the telco, finance, education, large-scale distribution, and public administration sectors.  

Services Offered


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