BMC Mainframe: z/OS Concepts & Facilities
The course is developed and delivered by © RSM Technology.
The essential introduction to z/OS, this course provides a clearly explained technical view of IBM's Z Systems mainframe environment, with the emphasis on z/Architecture and z/OS, IBM's strategic mainframe operating system.
In addition, the course also provides a valuable overview of all the associated software and system components that comprise the complete system.
Major release:
BMC Mainframe Infrastructure Platform Training
Recommended Prerequisites:
Good for:
System Programmers, Users
Course Delivery:
Instructor-Led Training (ILT) | 16 heures
Course Modules
The z/OS Platform
- The components of a mainframe computer
- Real Storage
- Central Processing Unit (CPU)
- Channel Subsystems (CSS)
- What is a computer program?
- A computer program needs memory
- A Control Program
- Multiple programs in memory
- Multiprogramming
- The concept of Interrupts
- The purpose of an Operating System – summary
- Middleware
- The System z/architecture
- MVS - z/OS operating systems
- The history of MVS
- Release cycle for z/OS
- IBM zSeries processors
- Logical Partitioning (LPAR)
- CF partition
- Logical Partitions
- Resource distribution in LPAR mode
- Parallel Sysplex
- Coupling Facility (CF)
I/O Devices in a z/OS Environment
- Input/Output devices
- Storage devices: Non-storage devices
- The I/O configuration
- I/O processing in principle
- The channel concept
- Control units, Device numbers, One control unit - many channels
- Shared DASD
- Tape devices
- Tape robots
- Virtual Tape
- I/O devices – disk
- Mainframe disks (DASD)
- RAID devices
- I/O configuration in an IBM- type mainframe
- Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD)
z/OS Overview
- What hardware can do
- Software responsibilities
- z/OS - an operating system
- z/OS components
- z/OS - always in storage
- Getting real work out of it
- Initiators
- The application program
- Program Execution Environments
- Running 'real' programs
- Job Management
- Resource Control
- Allocation
- Task Management
- Program Management
- Supervisor Services
- Storage Management
- I/O processing
- Access Methods
- IOS drivers
- I/O Supervisor (IOS)
- I/O processing
- Workload Manager (WLM)
- Recovery Termination Manager (RTM)
- Abnormal termination – application
- Sysplex
- Using sysplex
- z/OS components that exploit sysplex
- Other components that use sysplex
- Parallel sysplex
- Exploiting the parallel sysplex
z/OS Data Handling
- Data access methods
- Data structure: VSAM, OAM, QSAM, BPAM
- Batch systems access
- Utilities: Text editor, Assembler, Compilers, Binder, Interpreters
- Networks
- Teleprocessing definition
- Development of teleprocessing systems
- Types of teleprocessing systems
- Elements of a teleprocessing system
- Application program
- Teleprocessing access method
- Communications controller
- Mainframe networking protocols
- How is z/OS communications software packaged?
- Importance of a teleprocessing system
The Total Mainframe Software Package
- Mainframe software control
- A typical z/OS system
- IBM system software
- System Software in the z/OS environment
- Required add-on products
- Important operating system software
- Communications system software
- Network support in z/OS: SNA, TCP/IP
- Transaction Managers and Data Base Systems
- Terminal Monitor (TM) systems
- Database systems
- Application development tools
- High level languages
- Other z/OS related products
Working with z/OS
- Starting a TSO session
- VTAM application selection
- TSO logon panel
- TSO logon procedures
- ISPF primary options
- UNIX support in z/OS
- The Kernel address spaces
- Using UNIX services
- File systems
- UNIX Shell
- ISHELL ISPF panels
- Batch processing
- JCL statements
- One or more jobs in a JCL stream
- Getting a batch job into the system
- Batch job queues
Data Management
- ICF catalogs
- ICF components
- ICF catalog layout
- HSM functional overview
- HSM working with SMS
- SMS managed data